New Year, Same Resolve: Insight for Buyers and Sellers in 2024

And just like that, it’s 2024! Hard to believe…we’re almost 1/4 of the way through the 21st Century already.

This time of year there’s no end of retrospectives looking at the year just gone by, and predictions and speculation for the year we’ve just begun:

  • What will the Federal Reserve do with interest rates?
  • Will there be enough rain this year to avoid a drought?
  • Will there be more homes for sale this year than last, and will home prices hold up?
  • Can we stave off recession for another year?

And, of course, 2024 is an election year to boot. Yay!

Here’s the problem with all these retrospectives and predictions though: they take our focus off the here and now.

Because right now is the only time we actually have. Yesterday’s gone and tomorrow isn’t promised. We can’t change the past and at this point, the future is only imaginary.

The only moment we truly own and control is this moment, right here, right now.

And that’s the problem I see with New Years Resolutions: they’re about what we are “going to do” in the coming year. They’re about taking action in the days, weeks, and months to come…in a time that really only exists in our imagination.

This year, I’m not making any New Year’s Resolutions. Rather, I’m recommitting to the path I’m on, right now. I’m focusing on execution: doing what I’m already doing today, just doing it better, and more of it.

And when I do feel the need to make a change, I won’t be waiting for a new year to make it. Because every day, every moment gives us the opportunity to make any change to improve our lives.

And by improve our lives, I also include improving our living situations. When it comes to real estate, I believe it’s this fear of the future, of the inherent uncertainty about tomorrow, that keeps so many people in housing situations that are less than ideal.

People are afraid to buy. They’re afraid to sell. When thinking about making any kind of change, the mind inevitably takes us to worst-case future scenarios, to keep us rooted in place. After all, there’s comfort in the status quo; while you may not be happy in your current situation, at least you feel safe.

Buying or selling real estate obviously involves risk – considerable risk. However, inaction also involves risk, although it may not be as apparent. When weighing those risks, focus on the facts, on what you know to be true. Remain present in the here and now, be clear-eyed about the costs of acting, or not acting, and do what you know is best.

I hope that this email finds you well, and that you enjoyed a beautiful holiday season with those who matter most to you.

I wish you a truly Happy and fulfilling New Year in 2024!

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