What Are Your Goals in 2018?

The Goal of the SellForSure Home Sale System

I don’t know about you, but I love a new year. It’s a time of year that signifies renewal. For business owners like myself, it heralds a time for us to stop doing what’s not working in my business and start doing more of what could work better.

I haven’t made any resolutions this year. I’ll tell you why. We all know what happens to most resolutions. They are left undone halfway through January.

So, this year instead of resolutions I’ve set personal and professional goals for myself. The interesting thing about real estate is that so much of what is professional is personal at the same time. This business is built on relationships, after all. It’s not about houses, it’s about the people who live in those houses.

My Goals in 2018

That’s why my #1 goal this year is to spend more time with the people of my community. My plan is to sit down with at least three new people per week – so how about it? I’d love to sit down with you, have a drink, maybe share a nibble, and talk about our goals for the year.

We can talk about my goals if you want, but I’m most interested in talking about yours, and how I can help you reach them.  If you’ve got the time, we can go over my goals too – maybe you can help with some of mine, too!

Over the years I’ve spent going to seminars and such, I’ve learned a few things about effective goal setting. For effective goal setting, you need to write them down. For really effective goal setting, you need to share those goals with someone else. I would love to be that person for you, to help you be accountable for your own objectives.

So whatever you’re in the mood for, whether it’s coffee, drinks, snacks, or whatever—it’s on me. If you want to set up a time to talk, just give me a call or send me an email and we’ll get it marked down in the calendar. I look forward to hearing from you!

Everyone wants to know…


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