California Homeowner’s Guide to Foreclosure
The California Department of Real Estate (now the Bureau of Real Estate) put out a guide to foreclosure for California homeowners in 2010. It’s about 70 pages long, and contains a wealth of information for anyone facing foreclosure in California.
The guide includes information on a wide array of topics:
- Notice of Default (NOD)
- Notice of Sale
- Modify or Restructure the Terms and Payment Schedule of Your Existing Loan
- Refinance: Pay Off Your Loan with a New Loan on Better Terms
- Pursue a “Short Sale”
- Sell Your Home to Access the Available Equity
- Offer a “Deed-in-Lieu of Foreclosure” to Your Lender rather than Proceed with a Foreclosure Sale
- The Foreclosure Procedure Timeline
- Post-Foreclosure Option for the Former Homeowner
- Resources from Federal, State, and non-profit agencies
The guide can be downloaded using this link.
They have also provided a version in Spanish, which can be downloaded here.