My Santa Cruz Realtor Wardrobe

There's a lot of Realtors out there who think those Realtor designations are a bunch of hooey - and maybe they are, but I don't…

Santa Cruz Real Estate just got a little more expensive

Thanks to the Wikipedia entry for Santa Cruz county , I see that there are 607 square miles in the county - not too big,…

St. Joseph and Santa Cruz Real Estate

So I was down at the Santa Cruz Association of Realtors today, buying a couple of swish new Blue SupraKey safes - the place the…

Santa Cruz Fire Safety

There are many homes in Santa Cruz county that are in wildfire and forest fire hazard areas. With all the fires raging this year, it's…

This is getting ridiculous

For example, we were doing an exercise on calculating the rate of return on an investment in a home purchase - you buy it for…

Kickin’ It At Home in Santa Cruz

The owner is an enthusiast of machines - like cars, motorcycles, motors - I think he is a mechanic or something. So we are in…

Home Buying Philosophy in Santa Cruz

I personally don't have a problem with creating urgency to buy - I think that by now, most people can see the writing on the…

More about Santa Cruz and the 2008 Housing Bill

Here's a bit of a run-down on some of the acronyms used in my last post: A GSE is a Government Sponsored Enterprise - in…

Marisa Miller, Santa Cruz Local, Back in the Press

Marisa graces the cover of Maxim Magazine's July 2008 issue . I had a subscription to Maxim magazine once upon a time - it was…

Changes to the Santa Cruz MLS

I think they expanded the digit count because the MLS is growing, it won't just be the five counties around here (Santa Cruz, Santa Clara,…