Why It’s Better to Sell Your Home Early in 2019

Get a Jump on Selling in 2019If you're thinking of selling your home in 2019, it's something you'll want to do sooner rather than later. …

Santa Cruz Together Fights Rent Control

Rent Control Means Fewer RentalsAre you concerned about the movement to bring rent control to the city of Santa Cruz?  The folks working to establish…

Santa Cruz Median Home Price hit $920K in March

This is one hot housing market!The Santa Cruz real estate market is making headlines again.  A few weeks ago, the news was that the median…

Santa Cruz Foreclosure Cash Cow

Been looking for the unicorn of real estate in Santa Cruz, the cash cow?  I'm always talking to folks who are looking for great real…

The Santa Cruz Housing Crisis

The Santa Cruz Housing CrissLast week, I appeared on KSCO radio to talk with producer Brad Polisuk about the Santa Cruz Housing Crisis. I was…

The World’s Greatest Realtor Award Winner

Sebastian "Seb" Frey is the The World's Greatest Realtor 2018 Award Winner!  This prestigious award was granted to him by one of his clients upon the…

A Very Special Offer of a Free Room-by-Room Review

It’s springtime—the time of year when a lot of people start thinking about selling their homes. If you’re one of those people, I’ll bet that…

Just Cause Evictions in Santa Cruz

Just Cause EvictionsI recently attended an all-member meeting of the Santa Cruz County Association of Realtors.  We have these meetings once or twice a year,…

Santa Cruz Marching Towards Rent Control

In case you haven't heard, the city of Santa Cruz is marching towards establishing rent control. Recently, the Santa Cruz City Council voted to adopt…

Summer 2017 Real Estate Wrap-Up

This summer has been one for the record books.  Crazy solar eclipse.  Heat records shattered across California.  Flooding of biblical proportions in Texas.  Looming (nuclear?)…