Stagflate your way to Greater Home Equity

So here I am, working on some reports about the properties I…

Santa Cruz Real Estate Industry Consolidation

Holy Smokes, batman! Good morning! American Dream Realty …

Short Sales – Salvation or Scam?

Unless you've been living under a rock, or unless you pay no…

Watsonville Foreclosure Tour

No, we won't have a cool bus like the guy in Stockton did as…

Santa Cruz Gets Highest FHA Loan Limit – $729,750

Step away from the precipice, folks, no need to jump off the…

Down Home Inspections

Just got back from doing a home inspection at a condo I've g…

A Realtor, Verizon, and his Smart Phone

I just counted. My cell phone rang 37 times today. I didn't …

January foreclosures up 57%

Yawn. Blink blink. Sip coffee. Take a peek at Front…

A New Way to Get Locked Out

I showed a townhome today to some clients . "What did the li…