This is getting ridiculous
For example, we were doing an exercise on calculating the rate of return on an investment in a home purchase - you buy it for…
For example, we were doing an exercise on calculating the rate of return on an investment in a home purchase - you buy it for…
Or, if their asking prices are reasonable, more often than not, it's a short sale, which means that the contract and price are subject to…
When a bank is selling a property (or, typically, it's an asset management company that sells the property for the investor, marketed on the MLS…
This is the guy who sent me an offer, and after I received it, I called him to let him know I'd be e-mailing him…
There is licensing for termite inspectors, and every termite report, after it's completed, gets shipped off to the Structural Pest Control Board in Sacramento were…
And, while I said that hardly anyone outside the real estate profession knows what those designations mean, many of my colleagues in the industry (especially…
After all was said and done, the seller's agent and I agreed to meet for coffee and to exchange some final documents and so I…
I was out looking at some property today, and I noticed that a sign had been posted on one of the doors in the area.…
When people are looking to buy property and searching on the internet, I encourage them to search a bit, maybe a good bit, over the…
The seller had actually already signed the documents she needed to, all that was left for the buyers to go to their friendly neighborhood First…